What Are You Storing?

Build a Continual Reservoir That You Can Draw Upon

By Pastor Carmela E. Head
The Renewal Center

I have always wondered why a cactus or plants from the succulent species require little or less water.  I have also noticed that they are just as refreshing and picturesque as other plants to have around. They need less attention than most. I have noticed them primarily in spa environments.  How is it that these particular plants continue to grow, thrive and even produce more with less?  How can that be?  This has always been a mystery to me.

Well, I decided to find out and in my research, I gained knowledge that succulents, when they come in contact with water or moisture, they have the  capacity to hold and store the water simply by pulling from the stems, leaves and the roots. I was amazed at my findings as most plants require more frequent watering to keep them thriving. Although I found this information amusing, at the very same time, I received revelatory knowledge:

We too can be like just those succulents as we download, process,
apply and sit with the Word of God in our lives.

In one of our most recent Digital Discipleship messages at the Renewal Center, entitled,  "The Kingdom of God Within,” we were encouraged to know and to remember that the Kingdom of God is always residing within us. Scripture, according to Colossians 3:16a (KJV) says, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom.

In Colossians 2:7, Paul admonishes the believers to “Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.” (NLT)

This is revelatory.  Trees and many variety of plants, in general, tap into water that is reserved and preserved within the soil and this is foundational for health and vitality of the plant.  One thing I have learned about the succulent is that it has the capacity to store and pull from various sources within itself.

How amazing that we have been given a storehouse (a reservoir of) faith, God’s grace, peace, joy, the fruit of the Spirit, rest, abundance, direction, comfort, guidance, provision, covering, and so much more that the Lord bestows and downloads into the very core of us. We grasp and take hold of these promises and gifts through our time of communing, continual fellowship, meditating on the word of God and through the watering of the word.  

Like succulents, we are storehouses: pulling from within. We are actually hiding the word in our hearts. There will be times that storing will require us to dwell, to sit with that word and soak in His presence; for it is then that we are building a spiritual storehouse that we can draw upon in times when we need it most.  What are you storing?

Revealing Christ

Carmela E. Head
Copyright 2021

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