November 4th, 2021
by Carmela Head
by Carmela Head

The Emergence of Hope in a Continual Flow
Written by Pastor Carmela E. Head, The Renewal Center
The woman at the well. The Widow of Zerephath with the empty jars. What in the world do these two women in scripture have in common? How could there be any parallel between the two? They were centuries apart in biblical times; however, they experienced the same miraculous overflow of God’s provision. One woman, at the deepest level of her soul, the other woman, the most desperate physical need and an economic level. Both encountered God at the most paramount and intimate place of their lives. So, what IS the parallel?
In the least expected time, God showed up, faith was re-built and restored. A reservoir of His grace embraced these two women in their most dyer strait experiences. The Spirit of God revealed their needs, who He was, and renewed them individually in the most miraculous way, each one emerging in a continual flow of hope.
The woman at the well had no idea she would meet the Savior on an ordinary day and that her life would be changed forever. Away from the whispers of society that knew her situation, she makes her way to the hill where Jacob’s well was. Her daily routine to draw water from the well was just a mundane occurrence that could only meet her physical need of thirst. The life she led was empty and unfulfilling. There was a void, an empty space that needed to be filled. That afternoon at the well, Jesus, met her and offered her the hope that she was so desperately needing. You see, he offered her the opportunity to drink of the “Living Water” that only He could give. To her amazement, she was in the company of the Living God himself right before her eyes. He would offer her the most prized gift of a continual flow of spiritual water that she would never have to thirst anymore. Her most innermost need of acceptance would be filled and that void would forever be filled. Christ knew every detail of her life and he revealed that the life she was leading would only be redundant until His provision of His “Living Water” would quench her thirsty soul. He filled her “cup” to the overflow that day. He spoke into her life and she was made new. Where she was once insignificant, full of shame, and a social outcast, she was now accepted, redeemed and embraced by God. The Samaritan woman at the well emerged full of hope with a continual flow of the “Living Water”. She would never thirst again.
Staring at one empty pot, a little oil and with two mouths to feed, the Widow of Zerephath wondered what her tomorrow would hold. How would she feed herself and her son? We don’t know who was in her circle of influence or what support system she had. We don’t know if anyone around her cared enough to help. As the days progressed into weeks, I could only imagine what she would be thinking as she glanced into her flower & meal pot and that little jar of oil knowing that when she reached that last bit that would be all would she would ever have left. What was on her mind? She was desperate for help to fill her purse and her cupboards. Her faith was dwindling just as the flower meal in her pot. But then, a paramount moment would change her life forever just like the woman at the well. The prophet Elijah, instructed by God that a room would be prepared for him, went to this widow to find temporary lodging until he would embark on his next journey. Hungry and tired, Elijah ask this woman to fix a cake for him. She, feeling spent and empty inside, could not begin to imagine why someone would ask her to give of her last bit of food considering that was her absolute last. What would become of her and her son? She shares her heart of despair and desperation with Elijah. Her plan was to ultimately go gather sticks and prepare a cake for herself and her son, which would be their last. His instructions were to bake a cake for him. As Elijah spoke, God was quickening the widow’s spirit, as he instructed:
“And Elijah said to her, do not fear, go and do as you have said, but make me a small cake from it first, and bring it to me, and afterward make some for yourself and your son. For thus says the Lord God of Israel. The bin of flour shall not be used up, nor shall the jar of oil run dry, until the day the Lord sends rain on the earth.” (1 Kings 17: 13-14).
In the midst of this widow’s plight, she received a hope that only the spirit of God could give and she obeyed God by proceeding to make the cake for Elijah. Her discernment and obedience opened the door for a continual provision beyond her imagination. God met her at the point of her most innermost need: the need for security and the need for provision. Miraculously her pot of meal and her jar of oil NEVER ran dry. There was a continual flow of hope that filled her life. Feeling once isolated, alone in scarcity, she now emerged empowered, full of faith, secure, and confident of the days ahead.
Just as he met the Samaritan woman at the well, restored her and filled her life with “living water” never to thirst again, He will fill us with a continual flow of all that He is. Knowing He heard her most inner plea, the widow stepped out in faith and God provided her every need. Her meal and oil never ran out.
Let us be encouraged today of God’s continual flow of his grace, hope and provision. As we emerge in grace, He see us where we are and He knows where we are.
One of the names of God is El-Roi. (The God that Sees). He is omniscient (All knowing). He is the “ I am that I am”. (Exodus 3:14).
Revealing Christ, Restoring Lives
Copyright 2021 Carmela E. Head
The woman at the well. The Widow of Zerephath with the empty jars. What in the world do these two women in scripture have in common? How could there be any parallel between the two? They were centuries apart in biblical times; however, they experienced the same miraculous overflow of God’s provision. One woman, at the deepest level of her soul, the other woman, the most desperate physical need and an economic level. Both encountered God at the most paramount and intimate place of their lives. So, what IS the parallel?
In the least expected time, God showed up, faith was re-built and restored. A reservoir of His grace embraced these two women in their most dyer strait experiences. The Spirit of God revealed their needs, who He was, and renewed them individually in the most miraculous way, each one emerging in a continual flow of hope.
The woman at the well had no idea she would meet the Savior on an ordinary day and that her life would be changed forever. Away from the whispers of society that knew her situation, she makes her way to the hill where Jacob’s well was. Her daily routine to draw water from the well was just a mundane occurrence that could only meet her physical need of thirst. The life she led was empty and unfulfilling. There was a void, an empty space that needed to be filled. That afternoon at the well, Jesus, met her and offered her the hope that she was so desperately needing. You see, he offered her the opportunity to drink of the “Living Water” that only He could give. To her amazement, she was in the company of the Living God himself right before her eyes. He would offer her the most prized gift of a continual flow of spiritual water that she would never have to thirst anymore. Her most innermost need of acceptance would be filled and that void would forever be filled. Christ knew every detail of her life and he revealed that the life she was leading would only be redundant until His provision of His “Living Water” would quench her thirsty soul. He filled her “cup” to the overflow that day. He spoke into her life and she was made new. Where she was once insignificant, full of shame, and a social outcast, she was now accepted, redeemed and embraced by God. The Samaritan woman at the well emerged full of hope with a continual flow of the “Living Water”. She would never thirst again.
Staring at one empty pot, a little oil and with two mouths to feed, the Widow of Zerephath wondered what her tomorrow would hold. How would she feed herself and her son? We don’t know who was in her circle of influence or what support system she had. We don’t know if anyone around her cared enough to help. As the days progressed into weeks, I could only imagine what she would be thinking as she glanced into her flower & meal pot and that little jar of oil knowing that when she reached that last bit that would be all would she would ever have left. What was on her mind? She was desperate for help to fill her purse and her cupboards. Her faith was dwindling just as the flower meal in her pot. But then, a paramount moment would change her life forever just like the woman at the well. The prophet Elijah, instructed by God that a room would be prepared for him, went to this widow to find temporary lodging until he would embark on his next journey. Hungry and tired, Elijah ask this woman to fix a cake for him. She, feeling spent and empty inside, could not begin to imagine why someone would ask her to give of her last bit of food considering that was her absolute last. What would become of her and her son? She shares her heart of despair and desperation with Elijah. Her plan was to ultimately go gather sticks and prepare a cake for herself and her son, which would be their last. His instructions were to bake a cake for him. As Elijah spoke, God was quickening the widow’s spirit, as he instructed:
“And Elijah said to her, do not fear, go and do as you have said, but make me a small cake from it first, and bring it to me, and afterward make some for yourself and your son. For thus says the Lord God of Israel. The bin of flour shall not be used up, nor shall the jar of oil run dry, until the day the Lord sends rain on the earth.” (1 Kings 17: 13-14).
In the midst of this widow’s plight, she received a hope that only the spirit of God could give and she obeyed God by proceeding to make the cake for Elijah. Her discernment and obedience opened the door for a continual provision beyond her imagination. God met her at the point of her most innermost need: the need for security and the need for provision. Miraculously her pot of meal and her jar of oil NEVER ran dry. There was a continual flow of hope that filled her life. Feeling once isolated, alone in scarcity, she now emerged empowered, full of faith, secure, and confident of the days ahead.
Just as he met the Samaritan woman at the well, restored her and filled her life with “living water” never to thirst again, He will fill us with a continual flow of all that He is. Knowing He heard her most inner plea, the widow stepped out in faith and God provided her every need. Her meal and oil never ran out.
Let us be encouraged today of God’s continual flow of his grace, hope and provision. As we emerge in grace, He see us where we are and He knows where we are.
One of the names of God is El-Roi. (The God that Sees). He is omniscient (All knowing). He is the “ I am that I am”. (Exodus 3:14).
Revealing Christ, Restoring Lives
Copyright 2021 Carmela E. Head
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1 Comment
This is really renewing. To realize we have continual flow from within us